Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Way Out Here

The title of my blog pretty much sums up my life. I've spent the majority of my life on those winding, dusty but sometimes rutted-out back roads. You know the part of the road where you reach the sign that says "End State Maintenance" and your dad turns around? That's what I'm talking about.
I love these mountains and they've been my home since the day God wove me together in the womb. It's bred into me, I guess. My family was all born and raised here and I was born here as well. When I was 3 years old, Dad and Mom moved about an hour or so south of where they had lived their entire lives. After I was married, I moved about an hour North of the old home place. Dad said, "I broke my back to get you out of that place and you broke yours to get back in it!"
I can't help it. It's home.
Our house is protected by the firm of Smith, Wesson and Mossberg. I don't know how it is in the big cities, but everyone around here has at least one gun. Guns are like tatoos or Lay's potato chips- you can't have just one. Collect them all! is the attitude of us self-proclaimed rednecks.
Where I live now, we are one hour from our nearest Wal-Mart, and it's the hang out spot for most of the local teens. There's a movie theater right next to it, and a few restaurants that aren't fast food. 
Although most places you go, coal camps are a thing of the past, they are still in existence where we come from. Coal is a way of life here. It's not just another job, it's THE job. It's the backbone of the economy and without it, little towns like the one we live in wouldn't exist. It's pride, and you're either on one side of the fence or the other. The state is split on this subject, but the only ones who don't support are ignorant of the fact that coal keeps the lights on! Coal runs this part of the country. Otherwise, you wouldn't be here.
Every man in my family either currently is or was an employee at one mine or another. It's what you do if you live here. There are no other jobs. You either join the mines (surface or underground), work at a dept store or fast food restaurant (if you're lucky enough to live near one) or you hooker. Yeah.

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