Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Just Me.

Well, the "About Me" section isn't long enough, so for my first online blog EVER I choose to talk "about me"
I'm currently 22 years old, and I am a domestic relations director. In today's terms, that means housewife. My purpose in life at this point is to make sure that my husband (whom I will tell you more about later) is cared for and comfortable and happy.
I have blue eyes and long hair. For now, it's strawberry, but that is subject to change. My hair is the shortest it's ever been. I plan to let it grow out, probably to my elbows, and I have another 4 inches or so to go. I'm used to my hair being long, and my husband likes it that way anyway.
The first thing you need to know about me is I’m a Christian; Pentecostal of the Trinitarian flavor! The Lord is number one in my life, I would be nowhere without Him! I started on this journey when I was 13, and yeah I've fell but victory doesn't lie in how many times you fall, it's in how many times you get back up. I'm just following wherever HE leads me!
I am finally finding myself and enjoying being myself instead of trying to please everyone else. For once I can honestly say that I truly love my life. My chaotic, dramatic, wonderful life. I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds.

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